Sunday, September 15, 2013

My 4c Hair Goals

My goal is to get to WL in the span of one year.

Ambitious?  Yes.  Plausible?  I sure think so!

Since I have a slight (ok, ok, MAJOR) problem with being discipline.  I've challenged myself to keep focused by creating a blog to jot down my every move.  Should I tweak my regimen in ANY way, I must run like a mad woman to the blog (or, yanno, update from my phone) and lay it out for posterity.

In my next post, I will tell you what I've done since BC to now and how I plan to switch things up a bit.  I think I've learned enough to proactively avoid mishaps and setbacks if I simply become more aware and concentrate on the biggest thing that manages to keep me back:  CONSISTENCY.


Here are my current stats:

Texture/Type:  4c, Natural.

Initial Big Chop Date:  September 3, 2012.

I am now at approximately 10 inches stretched following a trim.

Hair Goal:  WL

Start Date:  September 13, 2013.  (Current length:  10 inches)

Hair Goal Date:  September 13, 2014 (Waist Length on me:  23 inches)
--if I'm super ambitous, tailbone is 25"

Lets do the math, that leaves me with 13 inches.  The challenge:  Grow 13 inches in 12 months!

TBC - To be continued...

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