Sunday, September 15, 2013

A 4c Intro

I will use this blog to track my progress towards my hair goals.

For 4c's, 4b's, 4a's .... heck, Type 3's, 2's and 1's!, hair is a serious matter.

Hair obsessed since birth, I've always lacked the discipline necessary to get and keep me at long lengths.  My major problem has been consistency.  Next, uneven growth - so even though I may hit APL on the sides, the middle refused to catch up.  This is known as the W-Effect.

Well.  I big chopped last September, September 3, 2012 to be precise.

4c hair is hair like no other.  It goes without saying.

The thing is, we've been brainwashed into thinking that it is the most difficult hair to manage.  In actuality, I've found it to be so easy!  The key -- moisture!!

4c hair tends to be very thirsty.  So why deprive her?  Find a moisturizer, or set of moisturizers, and make sure to massage them in from tip to root EACH AND EVERY DAY.  Yep, everyday.

In my next entry I am going to set forth my hair goals.  HHG - Happy Hair Growing!!!

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