Saturday, November 9, 2013

November: 7 DAY Inversion Method!! 4C

Ok, so I couldn't help myself.

I wanted to see how much growth I'd gotten from inverting for the past 7 days (i.e. from the 2nd to the 8th).  It turns out, in 7 days I've gotten 0.5 inches.

I'm not sure how to feel...

Should I feel bummed that I didn't get the full inch?
Should I feel grateful for 1/2 an inch in a week??

I choose the latter!  Darn right, I'm filled with gratitude!  It can only go up from there.  I'm not going to allow myself to wonder "if" I can hit that milestone of 2.5 inches in a month again.  Instead, I'm going to focus on getting it done.  If I get over an inch a month that is still awesome, knowing my historical growing patterns.  I'm really grateful for all I've learned and what I keep achieving on a daily basis.

It's probably best that I stop anxiously checking on my progress and just let it rideeee.  If I do, things can only look up.  So...nix on the monthly checks.  It's not necessary.  I'll probably just flat iron (lightly..I'm doing really well on avoiding heat, and my hair thanks me!) in December (probably late Dec, not sure) to see how close I am to bra strap and then work my rump off to get to waist length before the end of 2014. The goal, though, is to get there by September.


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