Saturday, August 16, 2014

August 2014 Results (Photos)

In my last entry I stated that I'd be consistent, especially for the upcoming months.

Confession:  I have not been consistent with my vites, but I did introduce something new that seems to give me a boost in lieu of my vitamin regimen.  Silica!

I straightened my hair today and was very pleasantly surprised.  For someone that has been uber lazy, I've gotten some good - no, make that great! - growth since the last check.  See for yourself :)


I shan't say I'll be consistent, because it has been oh so hard for me.  Instead, I'm going to do the best that I can and will refrain from punishing myself for not having met my goals/own expectations.

I'll try to cover the basics when time permits.  That is:

  • I'll continue eating healthily
    • Green smoothies at least once a day
    • Eggs for breakfast
    • As much protein as I can ingest 
  • I'll attempt to do the inversion method for at least 7 days of the month
    • it would be nice if I could do this for Sept, Oct, Nov, and Dec
    • it would be even nicer if I could squeeze one in for the month of August
  • I'm trying a new method touted to work really well on 4c hair!  More on that later!  
    • As I think it deserves it's own post/entry :)
  • Maybe squeeze in a few protein shakes during the month?  
    • Honestly, the taste is disgusting and I'm trying to find a way to yummy-fy it.  (I'm open to suggestions!!)  :)
    • I'm thinking maybe I can add raw oatmeal to it and make a porridge like mix..
  • Trim
    • I think I'll do a nice trim in December
  • Exercise
    • Yeah...I'll have to incorporate that (i.e. START, lol)
    • Running
    • Doing it from a DVD 
  • Drink tea daily
  • Drink water daily
    • At least 4 litres, I include tea in the count
    • I don't add sugar to my tea
  • Deep conditioning at least twice a week
  • Keeping my hair braided up continuously
Year in review: