Saturday, August 16, 2014

August 2014 Results (Photos)

In my last entry I stated that I'd be consistent, especially for the upcoming months.

Confession:  I have not been consistent with my vites, but I did introduce something new that seems to give me a boost in lieu of my vitamin regimen.  Silica!

I straightened my hair today and was very pleasantly surprised.  For someone that has been uber lazy, I've gotten some good - no, make that great! - growth since the last check.  See for yourself :)


I shan't say I'll be consistent, because it has been oh so hard for me.  Instead, I'm going to do the best that I can and will refrain from punishing myself for not having met my goals/own expectations.

I'll try to cover the basics when time permits.  That is:

  • I'll continue eating healthily
    • Green smoothies at least once a day
    • Eggs for breakfast
    • As much protein as I can ingest 
  • I'll attempt to do the inversion method for at least 7 days of the month
    • it would be nice if I could do this for Sept, Oct, Nov, and Dec
    • it would be even nicer if I could squeeze one in for the month of August
  • I'm trying a new method touted to work really well on 4c hair!  More on that later!  
    • As I think it deserves it's own post/entry :)
  • Maybe squeeze in a few protein shakes during the month?  
    • Honestly, the taste is disgusting and I'm trying to find a way to yummy-fy it.  (I'm open to suggestions!!)  :)
    • I'm thinking maybe I can add raw oatmeal to it and make a porridge like mix..
  • Trim
    • I think I'll do a nice trim in December
  • Exercise
    • Yeah...I'll have to incorporate that (i.e. START, lol)
    • Running
    • Doing it from a DVD 
  • Drink tea daily
  • Drink water daily
    • At least 4 litres, I include tea in the count
    • I don't add sugar to my tea
  • Deep conditioning at least twice a week
  • Keeping my hair braided up continuously
Year in review:

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Back on track

So I'll be blunt.  I haven't kept up for the first part of the year.  Because of that, there hasn't been much progress made, let's do a comparison:


Here's the new plan.  I pledge to be consistent from June to December.

I straightened & trimmed the back of my hair last month (I believe that's when I snapped it) and will be using that as my marker for the rest of this year.

Here's where I am:

It appears I am now at full arm pit length.

Let's do some quick math.  Brace yourself for blabbering --- If hair grows at .5 inches per month and mine grows at .25 per month and I hope to obtain at least an inch a month, where should that put me for December 2014?

Let's eliminate .25 from the equation entirely, as I'm shooting for the stars.

Let's say I have normal growth, within six months I should have 3 inches of growth.

If I get 1 inch a month, I should have 6 inches of growth by December.

Where would six inches take me?  I'd say right ALMOST around bra strap length by December.  Judging by my measurements it won't be full BSL with just 6 inches, so I'll be hovering.

Let's see how this goes.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014


No introductions needed.

I have been atrociously inconsistent.

This is for no reason other than I travelled a great deal in December and, well, have just been super lazy in the month of January.

Normally I'll have a calendar tracking my upkeep and vitamin intake.  I've done NOTHING over the past few months, so there was nothing to track.

I doubt I've gotten anything over my normal growth (sans help) which is less than .25 inches per months.  So at the very most, I probably have about (or less than) half an inch of growth for 2 months.


One thing's for sure, I'll be back on track for the month of February (and onwards!)